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Places To Visit in Sanchi

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If you are looking to visit a Buddhist heritage destination then Sanchi in Madhya Pradesh can be an outstanding one. The Snachi Stupas was established by King Ashoka during his ruling in 3rd century. Surprisingly, the Stupa (mound like structure) due to its immense archeological and historic significance has become one of the prominent heritage destinations in India.

Places of interest

The dome like structure (dimension 54 feet height and 120 feet diameter) is the major attraction of this place. The Stupa was initially made of bricks, while during the Shunga Period, it was replaced by stone. You can see the fine art-work on all the four Toranas (gateways), surrounding the Stupa from all the four directions.

Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh is only 46km from Sanchi. If you are staying overnight in some Hotels in Sanchi then the next day you can visit Bhopal (the city of lakes). Halali (68km), Bhimbetka (99km), Ratapani (100km), Biaora (120km), Panchmari, Ujjain, Satpura National Park are some other places to visit close to Sanchi.

How to reach Snachi

Sanchi can be reached by all the three means of transport. Bhopal Airport is only 46km away from the site, whereas you can take flight to Indore (240km) also. Bhopal, Biaora and Ujjain are the nearest rail stations. Regular deluxe and AC bus services are available for inter city communication.

Accommodation options in Sanchi Hotels

You can also find some good quality accommodation facilities in Sanchi. You can expect exceptional hospitality from the renowned Sanchi Hotels like Hotel Sambodhi, Jungle resort, Gateway Retreat MP TDC, etc. However, if you want to halt in Sanchi then you need to book the Hotels in Sanchi in advance, especially during the peak time (October to February).

You can also book Hotels in Sanchi that are few kilometers away from the site. Such reasonable Sanchi Hotels are Hotel Classic, Jain’s Hotel Rajhans, Hotel Sonali Regency, etc.

Ananta Group Pvt. Ltd. Plot No.2 1st Floor, street No.7 A Block West Sant Nagar Burari Landmark- Rani Public School Delhi- 110084 Email id – info@anantagroup.com Mobile no – +91-9999044632 , +91-9899537060

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