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Places To Visit in Mandu

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Vacation at Mandu

A vacation or a trip, however short might it be requires a lot of planning beforehand.  Planning everything comes secondary but what’s most important is a place to stay when travelling to a new unknown place. Hotels are the need of the hour for every trip or vacation. Mandu which is located in Madhya Pradesh would be an excellent option for you and your family or friends if you are planning to go on a short trip. The Hotels in Mandu are quite affordable and safe. Mandu Hotels are spoken well of even by the locals therefore doubting their genuinety is not an option.

Places to visit

Mandu is a beautiful place in Madhya Pradesh and while you are here at Mandu there are certain places which you must not miss. Hotels in Mandu are easily available in and around these places therefore finding an accommodation after you are done with sightseeing won’t be a problem. Some of the best places to visit are the historical monuments of Mandu, ship palace or the Jahaz Mahal, Rani Roopmati Pavilion, Chappan Mahal Museum, Rupayan Museum, Hindola Mahal, Hoshangs Tomb, Echo Point and much more. As you can see this place is most famous for the various Mahals or palaces which it has. You can experience the feeling of royalty in such places as these without worrying about the cost as Mandu Hotels are very affordable.

Pocket friendly

It is a guarantee that you won’t experience a pocket pinch here as this is one of the most traditional places of Madhya Pradesh with simple humble people who treat tourists at par with locals. The Hotels in Mandu have a very serene touch to them and are as comfortable as living in your own bedroom. Therefore, Mandu Hotels are the choice of many who visit Madhya Pradesh due to its rich royal feeling.

Ananta Group Pvt. Ltd. Plot No.2 1st Floor, street No.7 A Block West Sant Nagar Burari Landmark- Rani Public School Delhi- 110084 Email id – info@anantagroup.com Mobile no – +91-9999044632 , +91-9899537060

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